Relevant Scripture Engagement Strategies in all Languages
Churches in Cameroon provide resources in terms of people, money and prayer to the ministry of Bible translation and benefit from all relevant Scripture Engagement Strategies that are important for edification and church growth in all language communities. This department engages the churches and communities with different strategies for different purposes adding up to transform individuals and communities. The following are the strategies used to engage churches and serve communities:
- URBAN CHURCH MOBILIZATION: Mobilizes the churches to provide the human, material, prayer and financial resources needed for the transformation of individuals and communities through Mother Tongue Scriptures.
- ORAL BIBLE STORYING: Narrate Bible stories in communities that are at the beginning phase of Bible translation to create awareness and deepen commitment of individuals and communities.
- LISTEN: Engages individuals with Mother Tongue Scriptures in audio format for salvation, discipleship and church planting.
- BIBLE RECORDING: A support program to the LISTEN strategy that serves to record the translated Scriptures in audio format.
- JESUS FILM: In partnership with the Jesus Film project of Campus Crusade for Christ, the Jesus Film is translated into the different Mother tongues to reach out with the gospel to individuals and help the church to advance missions.
- EQUIPPING RURAL CHURCH LEADERS: Strengthens capacity for Church leaders to engage more with Scriptures for communities that already have a New Testament.
- BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS: Reach out to student pastors to share the vision of Bible translation with them so that while on the field they can be champions for the course of Bible translation.
- GOSPEL AND CULTURE: Helping the church to preach a culturally relevant gospel and provide resources that will assist in the edification of believers that will confront the culture and bring out what is good and bad.
- PRAYER: Mobilizes individuals, churches and other Christian organization to pray for Bibles translation work and build a strong prayer movement for the great commission.