Strategic Vision

Individuals and communities transformed by the Word of God in their language and using their language for sustainable development.

The Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy facilitates Bible translation in Cameroonian mother tongues. CABTAL invests indeed in language development, Bible translation, literacy and community development. While visiting this website, you will discover more about the work of CABTAL. There are impact stories, literature in mother tongues, Scripture Apps, videos, pictures, etc. Also feel free to send us your feedback.

Our Mission

To mobilize and empower churches, communities and individuals to carry out Bible translation and language-based community development through linguistic research, translation, functional literacy and Scripture engagement.

Local Communities play a front role in our programmes

We bring more than 35 years of experience, effectively
collaborations with Communities, Churches,  national and international Organizations.

Won’t you want to be part of this?

Local Communities play a front role in our programmes

We bring more than 35 years of experience, effectively collaborations with Communities, Churches, national and international Organizations. Won’t you want to be part of this?

Our History

In May 1979, the members of FEMEC (Federation of Evangelical Missions and Churches of Cameroon) were having their General Assembly in Mokolo, a town in the Far North of Cameroon. After the meeting, they decided to go and take the Lord’s Supper in Tourou a village situated 36Km from Mokolo. Click to read More


Effective Presence in Communities

We are in partnership with over 107 communities with several others others which are under exploration

Completed Projects

CABTAL, in partnership with communities has dedicated 35 New Testaments and One (1) complete Bible (NT and OT) in Lamso

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What People say About Us

Impact Stories

Reviewing God’s blessings in the past
gives motivation and inspiration for the tasks ahead,

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do has positively impacted the communities in which we serve and that they are happy to share their experience with the rest of the World.

Frequently Asked Questions

At CABTAL we encourage everyone to participate. Thus, we accept volunteers. Volunteers have to fill and summit a form. You can as well volunteer to serve in your community

We operate across the national territory, but we have a Head Office in Yaounde, with two regional offices in Maroua and Bamenda

We desires to partner with communities that are truly hunger and thirst for God’s word and with those that are willing to give their best for the work.

We are pleased to be in partnership with some 107 communities across Cameroon.. There are four conditions that must be met for a community to partner with CABTAL. These requirements ensure sustainable projects that will bear much fruit for the communities involved.

1.Leaders from the various church denominations and community leaders want the project and want to partner with CABTAL.

2.These community leaders are ready to send qualified people to serve in the project.

3.The community leaders are ready to give leadership to the project.

We will like to Hear from you!

Fill the form below if you have any inquiries with regards to our various strategies.

Don’t miss, here we have random & interesting facts.

Over the years, we have achieved a lot with regards to the projects we’ve carried out. We congratulate the relentless efforts of our staff, volunteers, partners and the collaboration of various communities. 

1 +
Ongoing NT Projects
1 +
Communities being mobilized
1 +
Completed NTs
0 +
Communities Under Exploration

Our Scripture Engagement Strategies


Mobilizes the churches to provide the human, material, prayer and financial resources needed for the transformation of individuals and communities through Mother Tongue Scriptures.


Narrate Bible stories in communities that are at the beginning phase of Bible translation to create awareness and deepen commitment of individuals and communities.


Engages individuals with Mother Tongue Scriptures in audio format for salvation, discipleship and church planting.


A support program to the LISTEN strategy that serves to record the translated Scriptures in audio format.


In partnership with the Jesus Film project of Campus Crusade for Christ, the Jesus Film is translated into the different Mother tongues to reach out with the gospel to individuals and help the church to advance missions.


Strengthens capacity for Church leaders to engage more with Scriptures for communities that already have a New Testament.


Reach out to student pastors to share the vision of Bible translation with them so that while on the field they can be champions for the course of Bible translation.


Helping the church to preach a culturally relevant gospel and provide resources that will assist in the edification of believers that will confront the culture and bring out what is good and bad.


Mobilizes individuals, churches and other Christian organization to pray for Bibles translation work and build a strong prayer movement for the great commission.

Get in touch for any kind of help and information.

We’re glad to discuss your organisation’s situation. So please contact us by providing the details below, or enter your request.

Mail us for information

P.O. Box 16550 Yaoundé .

Our head office address:

CABTAL Chapman Centre
YAOUNDE, Mvan - Tropicana
P.O. Box 16550 Yaoundé .

Call for help:

Call: (+237) 699 833 535
WhatsApp: (+ 237) 654 439 659.

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