About us

The Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy facilitates Bible translation in Cameroonian mother tongues.

CABTAL invests indeed in language development, Bible translation, Literacy and community development. While visiting this website, you will discover more about the work of CABTAL. There are testimonies, literature in mother tongues, Scripture Apps, videos, pictures, etc. Also feel free to send us your feedback.

We have more than 35 years of  experience,  in 
collaboration with over 100 communities across Cameroon.


CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

CABTAL exemplifies the crucial role of Bible translation consultancy in promoting linguistic diversity, cultural empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.

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Local communities play a front role in all our efforts

We have more than 35 years of  experience,  in 
collaboration with over 100 communities across Cameroon. We also have strategic partnerships with churches, national and international organizations.

Partnership agreement signing ceremony with the Bamendankwe Community

Through our work, many lives are transformed in different communities

Communities We Serve